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Coronavirus, Dentistry, and You!

Coronavirus, Dentistry, and You!

By Dr. David Banooni, DDS

In the midst of this novel Coronavirus pandemic, making decisions regarding your oral and dental health can be challenging. Questions such as,

Is it safe to go to the dentist?” “When do I know if I’m having a dental emergency?” or “Can I come in for my cleaning?” Can leave us confused, in pain, and searching for answers.


Dr. David Banooni - General DentistHere are 4 answers to your oral health questions during Coronavirus


  1. When do I need to go and see the dentist?

            During a Pandemic, the best way to protect yourself and your family is to stay at home. However dental emergencies and pain may sometimes require us to pay a visit to our dental team. The best way to decide if you need to come into the office is to have a conversation with your dental team. At Lifetime Dental, our doctors are on call and available to conduct virtual consults with patients. During these calls, we help patients understand their dental concerns and often times we can resolve problems without requiring a visit to the office. Please call our office, speak with a doctor, and get your questions answered!


  1. How can I avoid a dental emergency?

            While some dental emergencies are unavoidable, the best way to reduce your risk is with preventative care! Brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste, flossing, using an ADA approved oral rinse or mouthwash, and maintaining a lower sugar diet are still the best ways to stay healthy. Patients with a history of gum disease or those overdue for their cleanings should continue to follow these recommendations and monitor their dental team's social media page and website for updates. When it is safe, we at Lifetime Dental will resume our dental hygiene hours and get you and your smile back to full health!


  1. So is it safe to go to the dentist?

            Going to the dentist, or any healthcare professional can be a scary proposition for many during a pandemic. But your dental office should be taking additional steps to protect their patients and staff! At Lifetime Dental, we have taken steps above and beyond to ensure that all of our patients and staff are protected should you need to come to visit us. N95 masks, face shields, and gowns are all being used to protect our staff. Our offices have also invested in hospital-grade air purifiers for each room and specialized suction units to trap dental aerosols and kill the virus. Patient and staff safety continues to be our top priority.


  1. When will I be able to get my cleaning?

            In Michigan and many other states, governors have enacted orders to protect public health by limiting elective dental procedures such as cleanings. When it is safe to do so, we will resume our hygiene hours with the enhanced screening and operating protocols described above. In the meantime, continue to follow your doctor's recommended oral hygiene schedule by brushing and flossing! Check back on our social media pages and website for the latest information on when it is safe to return for your dental cleaning or call our office at any time!

As always, we cant wait to see you and your smiles

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.

Dr. Banooni

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