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The Benefits of Probiotics for Your Oral Health

Posts Tagged ‘Dental’


The Benefits of Probiotics for Your Oral Health

Posted on: June 29th, 2020 by admin

Probiotics can benefit our oral health as well as our digestive health. How are probiotics beneficial for our oral health?

While the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not approved oral probiotics yet, we are seeing that research is beginning to suggest they may keep our mouths healthy. Below are a few potential health benefits of oral probiotics:

1. Preventing Plaque and Tooth Decay
A “bad” type of bacteria, Streptocuccus mutans, turns sugar into lactic acid, creating an acidic environment that can lead to the development of plaque and cavities. One study found that A12, a “good” type of bacteria, stops the growth of S. mutans and prevents plaque from forming. In addition, Bifidobacterium in the digestive system has been found to prevent tooth decay, as it reduces the amount of strep bacteria in the mouth.

2. Managing Gingivitis Symptoms
Gingivitis, or gum disease, produces such symptoms as sensitive teeth and swollen, sore gums. One study involved more than 50 gingivitis patients who took either a Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic supplement or a placebo. Two weeks later, the patients who took the highest dosage of probiotics displayed fewer symptoms and had less plaque than those who took the placebo.

3. Decreasing Gum Disease Inflammation
One study found that patients who took supplements containing the bacteria Lactobacillus brevis experienced a decrease in oral inflammation. Another study showed that a daily regimen of probiotic milk reduced inflammation in the mouth.

4. Preventing Halitosis
Commonly known as bad breath, halitosis can result from “bad” bacteria in the mouth or gut. A study involving more than 20 patients who took either a supplement containing the probiotic Streptococcus salivarius or a placebo, along with an antimicrobial mouthwash for three days, showed that 85 percent of those who took the probiotic supplement had less “bad” bacteria in their mouths than those who took the placebo.

South Lyon Michigan Dentist - Probiotics and Oral Health

Probiotic Sources
You can choose to take probiotics either as food or as supplements. Such enriched or fermented foods as soft cheeses, milk, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, dill pickles and yogurt are excellent sources of probiotics. Because they’re not so concentrated as supplements, these foods are better sources of probiotics for those at high risk of infection.You can find concentrated sources of probiotics in pill or in powder form. Your doctor or dietician may recommend that you take prebiotics along with probiotics. Prebiotics help healthy probiotics develop and grow.

Probiotic Side Effects
A healthy person shouldn’t experience any side effects from probiotics. However, if your risk of infection is high from an autoimmune disease, you shouldn’t take oral probiotic supplements. In addition, children, pregnant women and the elderly should talk to a doctor before taking probiotics. Even if you’re healthy, it’s wise to consult with your doctor before taking any kind of supplements, and you should never take more than the recommended dosage of probiotics.

Ask Your Dentist
We are just beginning to understand how our gut biome affects our health, especially oral health. While the initial results and data have been encouraging, we advise that you speak to an oral health expert, before making significant changes to your dental routine. Contact any of our dentists at South Lyon’s Lifetime Dental Group to determine your oral health needs with exams and specialized dental treatments.

Strategies for How to Make Brushing Teeth Fun

Posted on: April 27th, 2020 by admin

Lifetime Dental Group in Canton and South Lyon, Michigan wants to make teeth brushing teeth fun for your family! Our dental team led by Dr. David Kam has put together a few ideas to get you started:

Find Fun Dental Health Education Resources.

At Lifetime Dental, we believe that family dental care starts with an educational but fun approach. Try reading age-appropriate books and watching videos about dental hygiene with your child as you begin exploring how to make brushing teeth fun. Your child will enjoy the time you spend together learning about oral health, and you’ll enjoy the opportunity to introduce healthy habits like brushing and flossing.


Brushing Teeth - Michigan Dentists

Make Brushing and Flossing a Family Affair.

Setting an example for your kids is one of your most powerful tools to make brushing teeth fun. To model good dental hygiene, brush, and floss at least twice daily with your children, including once before bedtime. For younger children, you might even have them practice brushing your teeth! The routine of family brushing will establish consistency, so children will be able to learn healthy habits more easily. Plus, extra family time and attention for your child is never a bad thing! Sometimes, it takes teamwork to accomplish family goals, and proper dental care is worth the extra effort!

Create a Two-minute “Contest” For Brushing.

In addition to “how to make brushing teeth fun,” our Lifetime Dental Team of dentists and hygienists frequently answers questions like “how long children should brush their teeth.” Adults and children alike should brush teeth for two minutes twice daily, including before bedtime. To make brushing teeth fun, make a game of it, and set the timer for two minutes; the “winner” must brush for the entire two minutes without stopping. This type of game will create a sense of friendly competition and motivate your kids to brush properly.

Get Your Child a Special Toothbrush

As adults, we forget the novelty of incorporating toys into everyday life. Relive the magic of childhood and indulge your child in a special toothbrush of his or her choosing. You’ll find that, by adapting the toothbrushing process into a game with “toys” of sorts, you’ve found one special way to make brushing teeth fun.

Reward Consistent Tooth Brushing.

To really make twice-daily brushing and flossing something that really catches kids’ attention, reward their behavior. Start small by choosing a simple reward (like gold stars), and award it only when kids brush and floss as instructed (i.e. two minutes per day twice a day for brushing and once a day for flossing). Once kids have the mechanics and schedule of brushing in place, reward consistency by creating a weekly brushing calendar; each week of perfect daily brushing results in a bigger reward.

Recruit the Tooth Fairy.

Not everyone realizes that the tooth fairy pays more for teeth that are clean and cavity-free. Make sure your child knows this fact; it will go a long way in motivating your child to engage in daily brushing and flossing!