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Important Facts About Flossing from Lifetime Dental

Posts Tagged ‘healthy teeth’


Important Facts About Flossing from Lifetime Dental

Posted on: March 3rd, 2023 by admin

We all want strong, beautiful and healthy teeth! This doesn't just happen though. Like many things in life, it takes hard work to have beautiful teeth and to maintain a healthy oral hygiene regimen.

Did you know how important flossing is to your teeth? While missing a day of flossing won’t cause your teeth to fall out immediately, over time not flossing your teeth regularly can have very negative oral effects. You should be flossing once daily to remove excess bacteria and plaque from between your teeth, lessening the chances of decay and cavities.

flossing teethHere are a few flossing facts for you to think about.

1. Floss comes in a variety of flavors!
Traditional dental floss is either unflavored or mint, but other varieties include bubblegum and cinnamon. Online novelty shops also sell floss in flavors like bacon or wasabi!

2. Brushing alone only cleans 70% of your teeth.
The remaining 30% is why flossing is so important! Flossing helps reach the tight spots between your teeth that brushing cannot hit. If you think about it, skipping out on flossing would be like only washing six of your fingers after using the bathroom.

3. Braces aren’t an excuse to skip flossing.
There are special devices made to help people with traditional metal braces clean between their teeth, and a special threading maneuver can also help get floss behind brackets and between teeth.

4. Floss can be waxed or unwaxed.
Depending on how tightly your teeth fit together, the type of floss you need will vary. Teeth that are very close together will be more easily flossed with waxed floss, as the wax helps the string slide gently between tight spaces. For more spaced teeth, unwaxed floss will do a great job clearing out debris.

5. Flossing helps fight cavities and bad breath.
Because flossing removes plaque and food debris, it is helping you to both keep your teeth and gums healthy as well as your breath fresh! The acid in plaque bores into teeth, causing them to decay, but flossing helps eradicate this issue. Additionally, food particles that linger in your mouth impact how your breath smells, both from the scent of the food itself and the smell it makes while it breaks down. Flossing helps to clear out these unpleasant odors.

6. When it comes to floss, more is often more.
It’s best to use 18 to 20 inches of string each time you floss! This will give you enough floss the wrap securely around your fingers as well as ample floss to move between your teeth.

It’s never too late to start flossing regularly! If you have questions about how to floss properly or help ensure you make the habit stick, talk to your dentist for more insight and advice.

To schedule your next appointment at Lifetime Dental in Canton, Michigan, South Lyon, Michigan or West Bloomfield, Michigan, just give us a call!

Canton: (734) 844-1300

South Lyon: (248) 437-1010

West Bloomfield: (248) 855-8000

Healthy Gums… Healthy YOU!

Posted on: May 27th, 2020 by admin

We've all heard of gum disease, but do you know that much about it? Gum disease can be really sinister and that's why dentists like us at Lifetime Dental Care in South Lyon and Canton are vigilant about it. You see, gum disease is caused by bacteria building up on and underneath your gums. Gum disease begins with barely noticeable symptoms to you (dentists are able to see it forming).


Here are some common symptoms of gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease:

* Red gums, not pink
* Swollen gums
* Tender gums
* Bleeding gums, particularly when you brush or floss
* Bad breath
* A little discomfort or tenderness when eating or drinking

You should know that most people tell us they didn’t worry when they saw a little blood on their toothbrush. However, after a while, it just becomes normal for them. But it’s anything but normal. It's vital that if you have any of these signs, you let us know. Early-stage gum disease is reversible with proper care. We can usually perform a dental cleaning and help you know how to take care of your gums at home.

For many people, gum disease may never move past gingivitis, which is inflammation of your gums. Yet, there’s no way to know how or when gingivitis will progress if you don’t see a professional dentist. If it does progress, you may be dealing with periodontitis, infection of your gums. This stage of gum disease is chronic and ranges from mild to advanced. You might notice some of the same symptoms as gingivitis, so you may not know your body is now fighting an infection. Here are some other symptoms associated with periodontitis:

* Receding gums
* Longer-looking teeth
* Notches on your teeth near your gums
* Pockets in your gums
* Pain in your gums
* Loose teeth
* Changes in your bite, with either your natural teeth or dentures

As your body fights the infection, it can start attacking your jawbone too. Of course, your bone supports your teeth, so with unhealthy gums and bones, you start to lose the vital support your teeth need. That’s why periodontal disease is responsible for more tooth loss than even cavities.

The dentists at Lifetime Dental in Canton, Michigan and South Lyon, Michigan think it’s best that you're on the look out for early signs of gum disease. It's our intention to always make sure you have healthy teeth and gums. Schedule your next dental cleaning with us today.

Canton, Michigan: (734) 844-1300
South Lyon, Michigan: (248) 437-1010